If you love to keep learning or need help with exam preparation or job skills, information, and training, NOPL can help! Visit the Careers & Education database page on the NOPL website for a rich array of free resources for all ages and interests. Here are some examples:

BRAINFUSE HELPNOW offers live tutoring, a writing lab, and SkillSurfer, where you can read lessons, watch videos, and take tests at every educational level from elementary school through college and beyond. You can prepare for the ASVAB, AP placement, SAT, ACT, Nursing entrance or TOEFL exams. Or maybe you want to develop computer and technology skills, research and presentation skills, or parenting and life skills. The eParachute program helps you discover college majors and careers, and you can schedule study sessions with friends in a virtual study room.

PETERSON’S TEST & CAREER PREP helps you prepare for college entrance exams, the GED, TOEFL, and U.S. citizenship exams. There are certification, credentialing, and licensing exam resources for law enforcement, bookkeeping, hospitality, real estate, Journeyman, firefighter, and clerical careers, and more. You can get help finding the right college program and tuition assistance or create resumes and cover letters.

LINKEDIN LEARNING offers thousands of courses on a huge range of topics. If you like technology, you can take courses in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, or web development. If Business is your field, you can access Finance and Accounting courses, Human Resources, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Project Management, Marketing, or Sales courses.

There are plenty of courses for creatives too, including Animation and Illustration, Audio and Music, Graphic Design, Photography, Video, Product and Manufacturing categories, and much more.

Let us help with your learning journey!