
Donate Directly to the Library
Donate directly to the Northern Onondaga Public Library through the online donation platform Givebutter. Just click on the button on the bottom right corner of this window.

By Shopping on Amazon
Bookmark this page and use this link whenever you shop on Amazon. It won’t cost you a penny more, but approximately 4% of the purchase price of qualifying items will be donated to support the library. The donations aren’t just for the holiday season. ANY shopping (even after the holidays) will help the library!

Books & Materials
Please note, NOPL branches may only accept donations at certain times of the year. To donate please make an appointment to drop off any amount of items with the Cicero Branch or Brewerton Branch.

NOPL Cicero and Brewerton Branches will accept items in like-new condition, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, recent textbooks (Cicero Branch ONLY), games, and puzzles.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept encyclopedias, magazines, Reader’s Digest Condensed, or VHS tapes.

Gifts from Businesses
Generous donations such as gift cards and prizes can be used by the library to promote reading and literacy. If you would like to donate on behalf of your business, please contact us.

Get Involved

Be a Friend
The Friends are a non-profit, charitable group formed to support the library. The Friends of the Library are often involved in fundraising, advocacy, volunteering, public awareness campaigns, and literacy programs. Learn more.

Volunteer Your Time
There are occasional opportunities to volunteer at the library, such as for our Homebound Delivery program and during special events. You can also volunteer to help the NOPL Cicero Library Farm on one of its Works Days, held once a month from April through October. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact us.