Branch Information

At NOPL Brewerton
The dream of a real library facility in Brewerton began with a teacher, Mrs. Anne Wood. She began collecting books and soliciting donations from like-minded community members. At a silver tea on August 27, 1937 a Library Club was formed. Schoolchildren banded into a juvenile library group and each group held events to raise money.
The first library site was the former Post Office room in the Heagle building. Shelves were built and books were donated. By December 11, 1937 the Brewerton Public Library opened with over a thousand books catalogued and ready to circulate.
In 1956 the library relocated to the Community House, the former schoolhouse. When it was demolished plans were made to build a new library. J. Elet Milton donated a lot on Railroad Street, a fund drive ensued and a Rosamond Gifford grant finalized the reality of a new facility. Growth continued in 1978 when the adjacent Brewerton Museum moved. The two conjoined buildings gave the library 2,500 feet of space.
By 1996 the library collection and programs had outgrown both the building and grounds. When the trustees of neighboring libraries approached the Brewerton Free Library board with an idea for a special library district, another dream was formed. A melding of three communities’ visions for increased library service to their neighborhoods took place.
The Northern Onondaga Public Library, with facilities in Brewerton, Cicero, and North Syracuse, was born in January 1997. Plans began in 1998 to build new facilities in all three locations. Moving began August 27, 1998, when NOPL at Brewerton settled in Smith’s Plaza on Bartel Road. One bright spring morning in April of 1999 its new home was ready. A grand opening was held July 10, 1999.
The new facility has a meeting room, children’s and teens’ sections, computer corners, work and conversation areas. It is a place the community began creating over 65 years ago. Growth of parking facilities at NOPL at Brewerton, completed in 2004, was the next step in making your library even better. What is going to happen next? Come to the library and find out!