The beginning of September may simply seem like just the start of a new month; however, the rollover of the calendar brings a lot with it. Cooler temperatures, shorter days and most importantly, the start of a new school year! This new beginning can usher in feelings of excitement and curiosity for what the next year will bring. In order to celebrate the start of this exciting time of year, check out the movies below, all of which highlight that back-to-school feeling.  


Edge of Seventeen (2016) 

If you’re looking for a film that perfectly portrays what being in the last year of your adolescence feels like, look no further. This movie follows our protagonist, played by Haliee Steinfeld, who is entering her senior year of high school thinking she has it all. When her best friend starts dating her brother she feels as if her life is falling apart. Filled with witty dialogue and some realistically cringey teenage shenanigans, this movie is the perfect watch to transport you into that back-to-high school mindset.  




Good Will Hunting (1997) 

Outside of the structure the new school year brings to many, one of the most important things going back to school can provide is the chance to meet an inspirational teacher, one that may influence the path of your life forever. Good Will Hunting is a great example of just how much a positive relationship with a mentor can shape the outcome of your life. While watching this film starring the amazing Robin Williams, you’ll be sure to shed a tear or two, and hopefully reflect upon some important mentors from your own life. 



Mona Lisa Smile (2003) 

Speaking of inspirational teachers, and just how much the lessons you learn in school can shape who you become once you enter the real world, the film Mona Lisa Smile is another great example. Julia Roberts stars as art history professor Katherine Watson who, over time, encourages her female students to question societal norms for women in the 1950s. This film not only conveys the importance of mentors, but also reflects how education can influence change within yourself as well as in the outside world.  



Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) 

Based upon the bestselling children’s series by Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid isn’t just a film for the children in your life. Filled with hilarious jokes and unique characters, this film perfectly reflects what life is like for young adolescents starting their journey in middle school. If you enjoy this first film in the series, I also suggest all that follow if you want a night of laughter and joy, with a whole lot of heart mixed in.  



The Holdovers (2023) 

One of the mainstays in the Oscars this past year, The Holdovers is one of the newest releases on this list, and for good reason. Taking place at an all-boys boarding school in New England over winter break, the film stars Paul Giamatti stars as the rough around the edges professor, tasked with watching the students with nowhere to go over Christmas break. The sense of nostalgia and soul this movie brings to its viewers is unmatched and explores the relationship between teachers and students when the barriers of the classroom are removed. 



Dead Poets Society (1989) 

I would be remiss if a back-to-school list did not include the best example of a teacher inspiring his students to go on to achieve bigger and better things than they ever thought possible and Dead Poets Society is that example. Again, starring the incomparable Robin Williams as unconventional English teacher John Keating, this film will be sure to move you and reflects the importance of school being a place where you can open and enrich your mind, while choosing to travel your own path.  



Freedom Writers (2007) 

The last film on this list encompasses all the lessons that can be learned from the above films, and then some. It stars Hilary Swank as an English teacher who teaches students deemed “at risk” lessons about the world and themselves, making them better people along the way. This tear-jerker conveys the importance of education, not just to those who actively seek it out. This film is also a great example of how a one-way model of education might not work for all, and that it is important to let people learn in their own ways.  


 Regardless of whether you’re a student or an educator, the first few weeks back at school can be challenging. Hopefully the above films will remind you how much education can bring to your life.